Laboratorio de Petrofísica del Instituto de Geociencias IGEO (CSIC-UCM). C/ Del Doctor Severo Ochoa 7. Facultad de Medicina UCM (Edificio Entrepabellones 7 y 8). 28040 Madrid. Tfnos: 91-3945166 / 7879 / 7886



Petrophysics Laboratory belongs to the Physical and Chemical Materials Characterization Technical Unit of the Geosciences Institute IGEO, a joint center of the National Research Council (CSIC) and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). It was set up 25 years ago by professors from the Petrology and Geochemistry Department of the Geological Sciences Faculty (UCM) and researchers belonging to the former Economic Geology Institute (CSIC-UCM), most of them currently members of the Applied Petrology for Heritage Conservation research group. This technical scientific profile entails one of the added and distinctive values of the laboratory.

The laboratory is devoted to the study of geomaterials, geological materials that after a process are used in different industrial sectors, focusing on construction and heritage conservation. Among the available equipment, the laboratory has non destructive portable techniques.

The laboratory has a Quality Management System implemented under the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 (ER-0346/2008), based on which it establishes its quality policy. It is one of the few laboratories that perform building materials testing and the only one focused on heritage conservation. This network classifies laboratories according to its degree of implementation of quality management system, and Petrophysics Laboratory has the highest external recognition level (5), awarded by the advisory group of such network.

Moreover, it also takes part of the Science and Technology Laboratories Network in Heritage Conservation (RedLabPat) from the Heritage Cluster of the International Excellence Campus CEI-Moncloa.

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